A trial study in England will teach expectant mothers to hypnotize themselves before giving birth as an alternative to painkillers.

The 18-month NHS trial study on the effectiveness of hypno-birthing will involve more than 800 first-time mothers, reports the Daily Mail.
Teaching women to control their pain might also reduce the need for supervision from midwives, which would help ease the pressure on overstretched maternity wards.
In some hospitals as many as 60 per cent of mothers have epidurals - anaesthetics injected into their spine - while many others are given injections of diamorphine, a form of morphine, pethidine or inhale laughing gas.
The drugs are expensive and there have been claims they could be harmful to mother and baby.
Epidurals have been found to increase the length of childbirth, making it more likely that a woman will need a caesarean.
Natural childbirth advocates also say the drowsiness brought on by painkillers prevent a woman fully appreciating the joy of childbirth.
Courses tend to last several hours and teach women to put themselves into a state of deep relaxation.
The sessions, which can cost up to 800 pounds on a one-to-one basis, also teach women massage techniques, which enable them to stimulate the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers.