Camel milk claimed to help improve the immune system, aid those who have autism, diabetes, tuberculosis, cancer, stomach ulcers were found to be untrue.

‘Choice, a not-for-profit organization, checked the health claims of camel milk with the food regulator and found none of them on the list.’

It has referred the company to the Australian Competitor and Consumer Organization and the Victorian food enforcement bodies for further investigation. 

"This all-natural panacea ... is known to help improve the immune system by fighting off bacteria and infections and aid those who have autism, diabetes, tuberculosis, cancer, stomach ulcers and more", Choice said in a statement.
"Problem is, we checked these impressive claims with the food regulator, and none of them are on the list of permissible food health claims."
He expects the investigation to be wrapped up within weeks. Camel Milk Victoria did not respond for comment.