A new poll says that the beach and sporting events in the sun are turning more Brit people towards alcohol in summer than in winter.
A new poll says that the beach and sporting events in the sun are turning more Brit people towards alcohol in summer than in winter.
The poll for the charity Drinkaware has revealed that one in four people drinks more alcohol in the summer than in winter.The poll of more than 2,000 people has suggested that the people have the tendency to consume more as they get a chance to sit outside in the sunshine together with more sporting events.
The survey found that 24 percent people drink more in the summer, as compared to 10 percent, who said that they drank more in the winter.
Almost half (49 per cent) of those questioned also said they had missed key events in their lives due to being in the toilet owing to drinking a lot.
In addition, almost one in five (18 per cent) people said they never keep track of their alcohol consumption.
To mark the summer, Drinkaware has launched a new campaign called 'Drink Less, Miss Less', to encourage people to regulate their summer drinking.
He added: "Many people are unaware that alcohol makes you pee more than water or soft drinks, but there are other, more serious health implications of drinking to excess or too often."