Emails, texts, tweets and status updates could be detrimental to our mental health, says a new study.

The development of smart phones means that we are becoming more adept at multi-tasking our way through life, as we switch between texts, emails and tweets.
But evidence suggests that the constant demand to deal with multiple sources of information is weakening our ability to screen out irrelevant data and prioritise what is important, reports the Daily Mail.
Researchers at Stanford University in California have already discovered that persistent multi-tasking can impede long-term memory.
Now a team from University of California (San Francisco) has concluded that multi-tasking can also hamper short-term memory performance, especially among older adults.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, scientists found that multi-taskers performed worse in tests where they had to jump from one task to another - suggesting that they were easily distracted by irrelevant information.
The newspaper quoted other research that shows we are spending more time connected to a keyboard.
The lethal combination has forced some scientists to call for a 'technology diet' in a bid to prevent information overload.