British Petroleum's oil spill in the Gulf of Maxico is the world's worst accidental release of oil with nearly five million barrels spilled, The Obama administration has said.

"Not all of this oil and gas flowed into the ocean, noting that about 800,000 barrels of oil were captured before the well was capped in mid-July," it added.
BP is yet to permanently plug the busted well. After insisting for months that a pair of costly relief wells were the only sure fire way to stop the oil leak at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, BP officials have recently said they may be able to do it just with lines running from a ship to the blown-out well a mile below.
The company has planned to carry out tests to determine whether to proceed with a "static kill" to pump mud and perhaps cement down the throat of the well.
"Even if we were to pump the cement from the top, we will still continue on with the relief well and confirm that the well is dead. Either way, we want to end up with cement in the bottom of the hole," BP's Senior Vice President Kent Wells said.
The primary relief well, near completion and could be used to ensure that the leak is plugged.
Meanwhile, retired United States Coast Guard admiral Thad Allen, the government's point man on the spill response, said that the focus now is on making sure the static kill is successful.