Using the cell signaling pathway, a high blood pressure drug called hydralazine can extend the lifespan of roundworms.

‘The drug, hydralazine, extended lifespan about 25 percent in two strains of C. elegans (roundworms), one a wild-type and the other bred to generate high levels of a neurotoxic protein called tau that in humans is associated with Alzheimer's disease.

The NRF2 pathway protects human cells from oxidative stress. The body's ability to protect itself against damaging oxygen free radicals diminishes with age, he said.

One of the hallmarks of aging and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is oxidative stress, which is believed to result cumulatively from inflammatory and infectious illnesses throughout life, Dr. Mirzaei explained.
The drug, hydralazine, extended lifespan about 25 percent in two strains of C. elegans (roundworms), one a wild-type and the other bred to generate high levels of a neurotoxic protein called tau that in humans is associated with Alzheimer's disease.
SKN-1, a C. elegans transcription factor, corresponds to NRF2 in humans. Both play a pivotal role in their respective species' responses to oxidative stress and lifespan, he said.
The UT Southwestern researchers were searching for a chemical probe they could use in experiments to identify proteins that get oxidized and become toxic during aging. Their screen for a substance that would cross the blood-brain barrier and be nontoxic led them to hydralazine.
The researchers did in vivo (in a living creature) and in vitro (in a lab dish) studies on the worms and also studied human cells from pediatric cancer called neuroblastoma. Compared with untreated controls, roundworms treated with the drug showed about a 25 percent increase in lifespan (from 15-18 days to about 20-23 days), the team reported.
To test the potency of hydralazine in the context of neurodegenerative disease, the scientists used a high dose of a chemical stressor called rotenone that is associated with increased risk of Parkinson's disease in humans exposed to high doses. They found that hydralazine provided a significant amount of neuroprotection, Dr. Mirzaei said. The drug also showed a significant decrease in tau toxicity in the C. elegans model of Alzheimer's disease, he added.
"Based on these results, we suggest that hydralazine may be a good candidate for clinical trials for the treatment of age-related disorders in humans as it may also offer general health benefits to the aging population," he said. He stressed that this study is a promising first step, but further studies are needed to corroborate it.