A senior UK doctor has warned that diagnostic errors are the central cause of avoidable harm to patients in hospitals.

When a patient is admitted to hospital, the team of doctors formulate a "working diagnosis," he explained.
At this point, the diagnosis is uncertain but the patient is treated as if the working diagnosis is correct.
"If over the next few days the patient gets better, the working diagnosis is confirmed and becomes the diagnosis," he said.
However, if the patient does not improve, "we think again and consider whether the working diagnosis was wrong."
He warned: "The time taken to reach the correct diagnosis may critically impact on the patient's chances of survival. Over my career, I have seen many errors in the working diagnosis causing harm and even death to patients."
Caldwell said that the profession has failed to let our patients and society know about this very important problem.
"We must allow clinicians enough time to be careful in diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatment review.
"We must urgently consider how to provide rooms, time, and information for doctors to do the most difficult part of their job and the part most prone to error: the clinical thinking in making the working diagnosis and treatment plan."
The study appears on bmj.com.