
Beating Housework With Bigger Paychecks

A study carried out by researchers, at the University of Massachusetts, has been revealed that the more money a woman makes, the less domestic work she is likely to do, irrespective of the money her spouse makes.

The scientists say that their study has helped to examine the mystifying relationship between money, house work and spousal relationships.

The study led by Indian sociologist Sanjiv Gupta, disclosed that every 7,500 dollars in annual earnings a married woman working full time makes, she can expect to do one hour less of routine housework each week.

The findings are based on data on two-income couples in the United States from 1992-94 and have since been confirmed using similar data from 2000.

“The critical element is focusing on how much money a woman makes, not how much she makes compared to her spouse. It’s only about the amount the woman earns. If she has a big paycheck, she’s going to spend less time doing housework,” said Gupta.

“At the same time the study suggests that married women do not benefit greatly from the earnings of their husbands when it comes to housework,” he added.

The study is based on data from the second wave of the National Survey of Families and Households which says, women employed full time making $10,000 or less per year are predicted to spend nearly one hour more on housework every day that women making 40,000 dollars or more.

The study also suggests that women can use their own money to make the division of household labor more balanced with that of their spouse.

The study was recently published in the Journal of Marriage and Family.

