
Applying for a New Job? Read Further For Tips On Job Applications

by Rukmani Krishna on Mar 25 2013 11:57 PM

 Applying for a New Job? Read Further For Tips On Job Applications
Why don't employers want someone who is more than qualified for their job openings? This is a lingering question among many job applicants.
Well, there are three main reasons according to AOL Jobs.

They worry the candidate will be too expensive, they assume the candidate will leave as soon as a better opportunity comes up and they are concerned that the candidate will be unhappy in the position, reported.

But how can you make sure you stay in the running for the job. AOL Jobs has four tips.

Apply for jobs that suit your background and experience.

Find jobs that require the skills that you have, and make sure your resume addresses the job requirements.

Network with people in the organisation or industry that you want to work in.

If there is a salary requirement with your application, make sure it's appropriate for the position.

In your cover letter and conversations with recruiters, explain why you're applying for the job, and why a high salary may not be the most important thing for you.

Be clear on your commitment to the position - either make it clear that the job is not a stepping stone to a better opportunity, or make a commitment for a specific amount of time.

Make a convincing case for why the job is a good match

Every candidate needs to prove they fit a job description, but if you're overqualified, this is even more important.

Take care to be specific about why you would fit the position perfectly.

