
Antioxidants in the body protects the airways from diesel exhaust effect

by Medindia Content Team on Jan 25 2006 7:37 PM

Professor Thomas Sandstrom, Respiratory Medicine and Allergy, University Hospital, Sweden and his collaborators from Europe has found that Exposure to diesel exhaust increased inflammation response in the lungs of the exposed persons and inflammatory cells were increased in the airway pathways and openings and when they analyzed the inflammatory cells in the distal part of the airway they found a decreased inflammatory cells which they feel is due to antioxidant activity of the human body and the researchers have published this work in European Respiratory Journal.

Antioxidants quench the inflammatory cells produced by diesel pollution, antioxidants are present in the human body in the form of Vitamin C, Glutathione and Urate which quenches the free radicals produced by the pollutants by absorbing the free radicals produced by the stress and pollutants and these antioxidants gets reduced by absorbing the free radicals produced in the body and there by protecting the airways from infection and disease conditions.
