A new survey finds that two-thirds of the people in the US do not wash their hands properly.
The Lysol Hygiene Council that had been newly formed had conducted the survey of 8,000 people in eight countries. It was reported that the participants had been chosen from around U.S., U.K., Italy, Germany, United Arab Emirates, India, Malaysia, and South Africa.Lysol is the manufacturer of disinfectants, mouthwash, and cleaning products. In their survey they had asked the participants 5 questions about hygiene and the importance of washing hands. The questions had included, as to the best way of stopping the germs from spreading, and on the situations that require hand washing so as to achieve good hygiene.
It was explained that around a thousand Americans who were 18 or older participated in the survey. The study had found that 37% had admitted they might not wash their hands after sneezing or coughing; 27% don't wash after touching animals; 10% claimed not soap up before eating or handling food; and 7% said that they don't wash, even after going to the toilet. The study showed that a little more than 3 in 10 stated to be hygienic in all the cases, as they would wash in all of these situations, but a whopping 69% were not hygienic.