Alcohol was present in a significant proportion of homicide victims in the United States. Nearly 40% of the victims had a positive blood alcohol content.

‘Alcohol was present in a significant proportion of homicide victims in the United States. About two-thirds had blood alcohol content greater than or equal to 0.08%.’

Results showed that alcohol was present in a significant proportion of homicide victims in the United States: among all homicide victims, 39.9% had a positive BAC (including 26.2%, about two-thirds, who had a BAC of greater than or equal to 0.08%, the legal limit for drunk driving).

Predictors of homicide victims having a BAC equal to or greater than 0.08% included being male (which doubled the risk), being of American Indian/Alaska Native or Hispanic race/ethnicity, and having a history of domestic violence.
The authors recommend additional research on linkages between state-level alcohol policies and alcohol-involvement by both perpetrators and victims of homicide.