About 85 percent of the world's population lives in areas where the World Health Organization’s air quality guidelines are exceeded.

‘In 2013, 1.4 million Indians died due to air pollution, out of which 9.2 lakh people lost their lives because of the household air pollution and 5.9 lakh due to the ambient air pollution.’

The researchers in their report also claimed that air pollution is the fourth highest ranking risk factor for the death. 

"Air pollution is the 4th highest-ranking risk factor for death globally," the reports said, adding that 85 percent of the world's population lives in areas where WHO air quality guidelines are exceeded.
In China and India, less than one percent of the population lives in areas which meet WHO guidelines on air quality termed safe for breathing.
It shows that India lost 1.4 million lives to air pollution in 2013, out of which 9.2 lakh people lost their lives because of the household air pollution and 5.9 lakh due to the ambient air pollution.
While in China, 8.2 lakh people died due to the household air pollution and 9.1 lakh people because of the ambient air pollution out of its over 1.6 million deaths.