Men who act out their dreams while sleeping are five times more likely to develop dementia with Lewy bodies, say researchers.

REM sleep behavior disorder is caused by loss of the normal muscle paralysis that occurs during REM sleep. It can appear three decades or more before a diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies is made in males, the researchers said.
The link between dementia with Lewy bodies and the sleep disorder is not as strong in women, they added.
"While it is, of course, true that not everyone who has this sleep disorder develops dementia with Lewy bodies, as many as 75 to 80 percent of men with dementia with Lewy bodies in our Mayo database did experience REM sleep behavior disorder. So it is a very powerful marker for the disease," noted lead investigator Melissa Murray, Ph.D., a neuroscientist at Mayo Clinic in Florida.
The study's findings could improve diagnosis of this dementia, which can lead to beneficial treatment, Dr. Murray said.
"Screening for the sleep disorder in a patient with dementia could help clinicians diagnose either dementia with Lewy bodies or Alzheimer's disease," she stated.
Once the diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies is made, patients can use drugs that can treat cognitive issues, Dr. Murray said. No cure is currently available.
The researchers checked the patients' histories to see if the sleep disorder had been diagnosed while under Mayo care. Using this data and the brain scans, they matched a definitive diagnosis of the sleep disorder with a definite diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies five times more often than they could match risk factors, such as loss of brain volume, now used to aid in the diagnosis.
The researchers also showed that low-probability dementia with Lewy bodies patients who did not have the sleep disorder had findings characteristic of Alzheimer's disease.
"When there is greater certainty in the diagnosis, we can treat patients accordingly. Dementia with Lewy bodies patients who lack Alzheimer's-like atrophy on an MRI scan are more likely to respond to therapy - certain classes of drugs - than those who have some Alzheimer's pathology," Dr. Murray said.
The findings were being presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in San Diego.