The vaccine trial, known as STRIVE is being conducted in Freetown, and certain chiefdoms in Bombali, Port Loko, and Tonkolili districts.

So far, the vaccine has already been studied in more than 800 people as part of ongoing vaccine trials in Africa, Canada, Europe, and the United States. Reportedly, the vaccine appears to be safe and those who take it show an immune response to Ebola. However, it remains unclear if the vaccine can prevent Ebola infection, and if it does, how much protection it may provide. Therefore people who take it must still follow all precautionary measures to avoid Ebola infection, such as covering their skin, mouth, nose and eyes and not coming in direct contact with the bodily fluids of those who are ill.
Anne Schuchat, director of CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said, "The vaccine cannot cause Ebola virus disease but can potentially stimulate an immune response to protect against the disease. We don’t know whether this vaccine will be the Ebola prevention tool we’re all eager for, but we hope that what we learn from STRIVE will help us save lives during this and future Ebola outbreaks."