
Surgeons Report Massive Increase in Male Breast Ops

by Rajshri on Feb 1 2010 8:10 PM

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons has revealed that breast reduction for men is increasing in demand as well as popularity. The number of men opting to have this surgery increased from 323 in 2008 to 581 last year.

Overall though 90% of the 36,000 cosmetic procedures performed in the UK last year involved women, but men are increasingly seeking nose jobs and blepharoplasty, which is the surgery on the skin around the eyes.

Baaps president Nigel Mercer said, "The public's interest in aesthetic surgery appears to remain strong and indeed growing quite considerably among UK males despite the economic downturn."

Consultant plastic surgeon Rajiv Grover said that one of the main reasons for increase in breast ops in men was obesity, but that the media was to be blamed as well as they highlighted fit models.

