
Popular Painkillers Pose Health Risk for Elderly Patients

by Kathy Jones on Jun 24 2011 6:34 PM

 Popular Painkillers Pose Health Risk for Elderly Patients
A new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society has warned that some of the most popular painkillers and sleeping pills can pose a serious health risk to elderly patients.
The study was conducted by researchers from the University of East Anglia and the University of Kent who said that more than 80 popular brands of painkillers, sleeping pills and hay fever tablets can prove to be dangerous to people’s health.

According to the study, when commonly used allergy tablets such as Piriton and Zantac are taken in tandem with the anti-depressant drug, Seroxat, the risk of the elderly patient dying in the next two years increased by more than three times.

Similar results were found for bladder medications, heart drugs and asthma treatments. Commenting on the study, University of Kent’s Ian Maidment said, “What is really the problem is the additive effect. It is the cumulative burden which is very damaging. It is not just the obvious medicines, it is things like heart drugs and antihistamines, and lots of doctors and nurses and pharmacists may not be aware that these medicines have this problem.”

