
Pedometers may Reduce Diabetes Risk

by Rajshri on Jan 4 2010 9:32 PM

A new study has revealed that using a pedometer to exercise regularly for just half an hour a day for a year drastically reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

The study chose 98 people who displayed high risk of diabetes and split them into three groups. The first group was given a leaflet with information regarding diabetes, the second group underwent a three hour education session on diabetes while the third group was provided with a pedometer along with the three hour session.

The third group was also given a set of targets which included daily walks for at least 30 minutes. After observing the three groups for a year, the researchers found that the blood sugar levels in the third group fell by more than 15 percent while there was no significant fall in the other two groups.

Lead researcher Dr Thomas Yates said that using pedometer in our daily exercise routine helps in reducing the risk of contracting diabetes in the future. “Our study proves that using a pedometer as part of a structured education programme can really improve health outcomes for people with prediabetes”, he added.

