Three raw eggs per day and no men is the secret to longevity, claims 115 year-old Emma Morano.

According to the reports Morano has been following a doctor's long-ago advice to consume 3 raw eggs a day (since reduced to two), which makes for a tally of around 100,000 eggs over her long life.
In a 2013 interview Morano had detailed her diet where she said she has biscuits with milk or water for breakfast, then came the eggs, followed by pasta and minced meat, and just a glass of milk for dinner.
She also has the genes rolling on her side, as being one of eight children, Morano said that while one of her sisters lived to 102 and another died just before hitting the century mark.
Morano, who still lives alone in a small apartment, with a doctor checking up on her monthly and a niece handling her meals daily, said that she decided to stay single after her marriage ended and her infant son died because she didn't want be "dominated by anyone."