
Daily Hygiene Tips - Slideshow

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Why Hygiene?

Hygiene is set of habits that would enable you to be clean, neat, healthy and happy.

Following the basics of personal hygiene not only wards off infectious germs, but also helps you to be more socially-acceptable!
Here are a few essential tips that would help you to smell, look and feel good!

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Tooth Care

Caring for your teeth is as important for your health as it is for your grooming!

Make sure you brush your teeth after every meal or, at least, two times a day.
Regular brushing and flossing of teeth will help to remove food particles on which bad-breath producing bacteria thrives.
Also don't forget the nightly mouth-rinse.

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Bathe to Be Clean

Like it or not - bathe daily!

People living in warmer regions may consider taking a shower twice a day.
Use a body scrub once a week and add a few drops of cologne for that clean - feel and great smell.
Make sure you wash your hair too at least 2-3 times a week to keep it clean and grease-free!

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Deo for the BO

All humans have a distinct body odor, many of which can be truly unpleasant!

Using a deodorant can help to mask the strong odors of the body, especially in closed ambience!
It is better to avoid strong scents as there are many around us who are allergic to strong fragrances.

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Clean Clothes

Ensure that you always wear clean and well-dried clothes.

Your outer clothes may be worn two times, if you must, but they should be changed daily in case of excessive sweating.
Make sure you change your inner -wear daily.

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Wash Hands Trim Nails

Wash your hands as often as required.

A dirty hand must be brushed with soap and water, rinsed well and then dried using a clean towel.
Trim your nails once a week and keep them clean and dirt-free.
This will help to control the prevalence of disease - causing micro-organisms.

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Foot Odor

Poor personal hygiene often manifests as foot odor.

Change your socks daily.
Make sure your feet and toes are clean and powdered if you want to continue playing footsie with your partner!

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Clean but not squeaky

Cleanliness is a necessity and not a mere choice, but there is no need to go over board on that.

Research has shown that being ultra clean is detrimental, as it weakens the immune system and makes a person predisposed to diseases.
Moderation, even in matters of cleanliness, seems to be the way!

  1. Why Hygiene?
  2. Tooth Care
  3. Bathe to Be Clean
  4. Deo for the BO
  5. Clean Clothes
  6. Wash Hands Trim Nails
  7. Foot Odor
  8. Clean but not squeaky











