
Ways To Boost Your Immune System - Slideshow

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What is immunity?

Immunity, in a person, is a state of resistance or protection against diseases.

Immune system comprises of a group of cells and molecules that are is capable of recognizing and attacking foreign particles, such as virus, bacteria or chemical, when it enters the body

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The other side

Immune responses do not always protect!
In some cases, response to substances such as allergens would actually start a disease.

In others, the immune system could go berserk and attack a person's own organs. This situation leads to 'auto immune diseases'

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Immune myths

The immune system of a normal, healthy person cannot be further boosted.

Only if it is compromised, as in the event of a disease, can the immune system be truly 'boosted'

Here are some of the basic essentials that would ensure the proper functioning of the immune system.

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Ensure that you have sound sleep in the night.

Lack of adequate sleep impairs the immune system making you very ill.

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Eat and Boost

Eat a well - balanced meal with large servings of fruits and veggies.

Make sure you reach for enough proteins including soy, beans and nuts.

Omega-3 fatty acids and calcium too are required to maintain basic health and wellness.

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Avoid Smoke and Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol impairs the immune system. Avoid it!

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It is not clear as to how exercising boosts immunity, but regular exercising is a prerequisite to good health and stamina.

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More the stressors, more are the chances of developing illnesses.
Common stressors include death of a loved one, divorce, strained relationship, losing a job, work pressure and natural disasters.

Some of these cannot be avoided, but a positive outlook will enable a healthier approach towards any situation.

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Beating Stress

Stress and health don’t go hand in hand.

It weakens the immune system, which leads to illnesses.

Each one may have his own method of stress reduction, be it by taking a gentle stroll, meditating, listening to soulful music, solving sudoku puzzles or just some time away from gadgets, which can instantly boost your immune system.

  1. What is immunity?
  2. The other side
  3. Immune myths
  4. Sleep
  5. Eat and Boost
  6. Avoid Smoke and Alcohol
  7. Exercises
  8. Stressors
  9. Beating Stress











