Living with AIDS

Living with AIDS
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Living with AIDS

Language : English
Year : 1987
Medical Theme : AIDS
Actors : Todd Coleman, Bob Runyon, Paul Karney, Kitsy Schon
Storyline : It is one of the first films about AIDS. It narrates the story of Todd Coleman, a 22year old gay man with AIDS and those who cared for him during the last weeks of his life. The film shows the full scope of the disease's effect on a patient and care partners and provides a model for compassionate community response to the AIDS epidemic.

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Finding_Todd, United States

I am Todd Coleman's little sister, Robyn Coleman and I am looking for information on Todd, his art, his friends, anyone who knew him. He died almost 25 years ago. I am in Denver, CO and I am 40 years old now. I am trying to get in touch with anyone who knew anyone or anything about my brother.

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