Dr. Talla Veena's Profile


Dr. Talla Veena

Dr. Veena is a family physician with over 10 years of experience in various areas of medicine, including Emergency Medicine, Cardiac Care, Respiratory Diseases, Paediatric Care and Geriatric Care. In addition to her medical degree and experience, she has a degree in Health Informatics, and is view more..

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Indigestion Symptom Evaluation

Indigestion Symptom Evaluation

Do you have discomfort in the upper abdomen during or after eating? Indigestion, a common complaint in all ages refers to conditions affecting the digestive tract and causing abdominal discomfort.

Food Poisoning Symptom Evaluation

Food Poisoning Symptom Evaluation

Food poisoning is the infection caused due to consumption of contaminated food. Food contamination can happen at any time during handling of food, its preparation or storage.

Flap Surgery

Flap Surgery

Flap surgery is a type of plastic surgery used in various procedures like dental procedures and reconstructive surgery including breast reconstruction.

Surgical Procedures
Top 10 Tips to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Top 10 Tips to Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease. But it can be lowered naturally by simple lifestyle changes.

Lifestyle Articles
Therapeutic Hypothermia

Therapeutic Hypothermia

Therapeutic hypothermia involves the lowering of the body temperature to 350C or less to limit brain damage after cardiac arrest or trauma.

Disease & Condition