Non-Communicable Diseases in South East Asian Region (SEAR) Countries

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Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) - Definition

  A non-communicable disease or NCD is a medical condition or disease, which is non-infectious and non-transmissible between persons.

Four major NCDs

  Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases are the leading causes of illness and death worldwide including the South-East Asia Region (SEAR).


  Demographic changes, rapid urbanization, global trade and marketing, increase in unhealthy lifestyle patterns, as well as social and economic determinants are rapidly increasing the incidence of NCDs.

  Due to Non- communicable diseases 7.9 million deaths reported among 14.5 million total deaths in SEAR countries. NCD deaths are expected to increase by 21% over the next decade.

  NCD mortality rates are higher in males than among females.

 Estimated percentage of deaths by cause, South East Asia Region, 2008


NCDs ranking

  Cardiovascular Disease

  Chronic Respiratory Diseases



Four major behavioral risk factors

  Tobacco use

  Unhealthy diet

  Lack of physical activity

  Harmful use of alcohol

Source: WHO-2011 report
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