National Response to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in South East Asian Region (SEAR)

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SEAR Scenario

  In South East Asia Region (SEAR) countries, Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are important health problem.

  NCD national policies and programmes are currently lead by health ministers in the region.

  Even though risk factors for NCDs are well monitored, it is ineffective for morbidity and mortality.

  Need to strengthen the existing primary health care system.

  To assess member countries current capacity to respond to NCDs, WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (SEARO) conducted a survey in the region.

Institutional Capacity for NCD Prevention and Control at the Central Level

  Health ministers in all member countries have formed a separate department for NCD prevention and control.

  To plan, coordinate, implement, monitor and evaluate NCD prevention and control are the main functions of NCD department. In this department NCD focal point and NCD programme manager are available.

  To prevent and control NCDs, the NCD unit’s scope of work includes health promotion and primary prevention.

  In Bangladesh, DPR Korea, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste the staff at the central level varies from 2–4 persons, where as in Bhutan, India, Maldives and Myanmar it varies from 8 – 13 persons and 50–75 in Indonesia and Thailand.

  To carry out NCD unit functions, inadequacies in knowledge and skills among their existing public health workforce have been identified in member countries.

  Central NCD units support national institutions, such as specialty hospitals and centres, national public health institutions as well as professional associations.

Number of South-East Asia Region Member countries with policies, strategies, action plans and programmes for NCD prevention and control, 2010 (n=11)

Source: WHO-2011 report
Benefits of Registration

SEAR Countries

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