Unhealthy Diet

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Limited Intake of Fruits and Vegetables

Due to change in economic conditions, people changed their food habits from fruits and vegetables to high calorie foods that contain saturated fats, transfats, free sugars or salt.

High fats and calorie foods cause various diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancers.

Due to poor intake of fruits and vegetables that ranges from 60% to 97% in males and 64% to 94% in females, more than half million deaths occurred in the region.

Poverty and low income are influencing the quantity of fruits and vegetables intake, those who are eating less than 5 servings of these foods.

Results of High Salt Intake

High intake of salt results in high blood pressure and other heart diseases.

In Bangladesh people are consuming more than 16gram almost triple the recommended limit. In Thailand it is 10.8 grams.

Use of Oil Contents

Hydrogenated vegetable oils associated with coronary heart disease are used in the region in the form of fried, processed, bakery, ready to- eat and street foods.

In India, widely available oil form is vanaspati that contains 5–12 times higher trans fatty acid (TFA) levels than the 2% limit.

In Thailand, samples collected from supermarkets and popular bakery stores showed that shortenings (2.4 g), butter cookies (2.1 g) and margarine (1.7 g) contained highest quantities of TFA per 100 g of food.

Source: WHO-2011 report

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