Population of Selected Countries in the World

Chrisy Ngilneii
Reviewed by The Medindia Review Team on Oct 05, 2017
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Every year, the world’s population is expanding by 83 million people. As of 2017, there are around 7.6 billion people in the world.

Population trends are wildly uneven - some countries are rapidly expanding, others are shrinking.

China and India together make up 37% of the world’s population.

Nigeria has the world’s fastest growing population.

Ten Most Populous Countries of the World
Sl. No Country Population Reference Date
1 China 1,379,302,771 26.09.2017
2 India 1,281,935,911 26.09.2017
3 United States of America 326,625,791 26.09.2017
4 Indonesia 260,580,739 26.09.2017
5 Brazil 207,353,391 26.09.2017
6 Pakistan 204,924,861 26.09.2017
7 Nigeria 190,632,261 26.09.2017
8 Bangladesh 157,826,578 26.09.2017
9 Russia 142,257,519 26.09.2017
10 Japan 126,451,398 26.09.2017

Even though India accounts for only 2.4% of surface area of the earth, it contributes 17.5% to the world population, which is extremely large.

United States of America accounts for 7.2% of the earth’s surface area, it contributes only 4.5% to the world population.

With China slowing down on population growth, it is estimated that by 2030, India will be the most populous country in the world with 17.9%.

  1. Census of India 2011.
  2. United States Census Bureau.
  3. World Population Growth - (https://ourworldindata.org/world-population-growth/)

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