
Exide Life Critical Illness Rider Enhances Your Base Policy against Critical Illnesses


Exide Life Critical Illness Rider is an add-on protection benefit that policyholders can add to their new or existing Exide Life Insurance policies. This rider pays out a one-time lump sum benefit in case you are diagnosed with major illness like heart attack, cancer, paralysis, kidney failure, coma etc. This benefit payout ensures that family is not burdened with high medical expenses, thereby allowing them to maintain their standard of living.

It gives you an option to cover either 4 critical illnesses (Option A) or 25 critical illnesses (Option B). Option A provides protection against Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, Coronary Artery Bypass graft. Option B provides protection against 25 illnesses as mentioned in the Comprehensive Protection mentioned above.

Critical Illnesses covered:

Cancer of Specified SeverityFirst Heart Attack - of specified severityStroke resulting in Permanent SymptomsOpen Chest Coronary Artery Bypass graftKidney Failure Requiring Regular Dialysis
Major Organ/ Bone Marrow TransplantBenign Brain TumorPermanent Paralysis of LimbsComa of Specified SeverityBlindness
Major BurnsHeart Valve SurgerySurgery of AortaMotor Neurone Disease with Permanent SymptomsMultiple Sclerosis with Persisting Symptoms
Aplastic AnemiaEnd Stage Liver DiseaseChronic lung diseaseAlzheimer's DiseaseParkinson's disease
Loss of speechMajor Head TraumaPrimary Pulmonary HypertensionSystemic Lupus Erythematosus with Lupus NephritisApallic Syndrome

Key Benefits

  • Lump sum amount on diagnosis

Get lump sum amount equal to rider sum assured on diagnosis of any listed critical illness as per your listed plan.

  • Full benefit amount paid

The lump sum amount is paid immediately on the diagnosis of the listed critical illness irrespective of the actual expense incurred towards the treatment of critical illness.

  • Tax Benefit

The rider provides for income tax rebate under section 80D and for benefit amount under section 10 (10 D).

Who should buy?

You should buy this if you are looking at enhancing your insurance cover against critical illnesses. You can do so by attaching this rider to your current Exide Life Insurance policy.

Minimum / Maximum Age at Entry18 years – 65 years age last birthday
CI Benefit Ceasing Age70 years
Minimum Sum Assured$50000
Maximum Sum AssuredLower of $25 lakhs Sum Assured of the base policy
Rider Term (minimum/maximum)**5 years – 40 years
Premium Payment Terms**Regular Pay
Premium Payment ModesSame as that of the base policy

The premium rates of this rider are guaranteed for five years and can be reviewed post IRDA approval.

How does this plan work?

Critical Illness cover is available as a rider, which means that you can add this benefit to any of your existing eligible Exide Life plans (base policy) or include this benefit whenever you are buying a base policy. In order to continue your CI benefit, you will need to pay due premium along with the premium of the base policy to which this rider is attached. You can opt for any one of the available two rider options. The rider premium rates are fixed for five years. The premium rates may be reviewed and changed after the above-mentioned period, post IRDA approval.


If you do not want to continue the CI benefit, you can stop paying just the rider premium while continuing your base policy benefit as it is. However, once the rider is discontinued it cannot be reinstated. The rider cannot be continued without the base policy.

In the unfortunate event of diagnosis of any of the covered Critical illnesses in this policy, a lump sum amount equal to the rider sum assured is paid subject to the policy terms. The CI benefit will end thereafter and no further rider premiums need to be paid.

The benefits under the base policy remain intact and will continue as per terms of the base policy.

Modal factor

You may choose to pay your premiums annually or by the monthly mode. The premium payment mode will be the same as that of the Base Policy. Following factors are applied to premium for different premium paying modes.

Mode of PremiumModal Factor
Monthly 1

Other important points to know

Other important points to know About Taxes This rider entitles you to certain tax advantages as mentioned below:

  • U/s 80D of the Income Tax Act 1961 on your rider premiums
  • U/s 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act 1961 on your lump sum payouts Please note that tax benefits are subject to changes in Tax Laws and we would urge you to consult your tax advisor for specific tax related advice before investing. Service Tax and education cess (if applicable) will be charged additionally.

Free Look Period

You have a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of the rider policy document to review the terms and conditions of the rider. If you have any objections to any of the terms and conditions, you have the option to return the rider policy stating the reasons for the objections and you will be entitled to a refund of the rider premium paid after deducting any expenses incurred on medical examination and Stamp Duty charges (if applicable) and proportionate risk premium for the period of cover. In case the policy is sourced through Distance Marketing# the free look period is 30 days from the receipt of the policy document.

#Distance marketing includes solicitation through all modes other than in person.

Grace Period

The grace period allowed for payment of premium under this Rider shall be the same as the grace period mentioned under the Base Policy. The rider coverage continues during the grace period and shall terminate automatically at the end of the grace period if the premium is not paid. If the grace period of the base policy is 15 days, the rider cover will cease after the grace period; however it will be considered for renewal without underwriting till 30 days from the due date of premium.


The Premiums payable for the Rider shall be determined based on the Sum Assured opted by the Policyholder under this Rider. If the Rider Premium is discontinued at any point in time, the Rider and the Benefits under it shall automatically terminate.

Reinstatement of Riders

Revival and Reinstatement of the Rider can only be done along with the Revival and Reinstatement of the base policy subject to the fulfillment of conditions in the base policy and under this Rider. The rider can be withdrawn by the policyholder by giving a notice to the company in writing. Once the rider is withdrawn, it cannot be reattached.

Waiting and Survival Period

The Critical Illness benefit can only be claimed if the illness is diagnosed after the completion of the waiting period of 90 days from the Rider Risk Commencement date or from the date of reinstatement whichever is later and the Life Assured survives the diagnosed Critical illness for a period of 30 days (Survival Period) from the date of diagnosis.


Assignment should be in accordance with provisions of Section 38 of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended from time to time. [A Leaflet containing the simplified version of the provisions of Section 38 is enclosed in Annexure - (1) for reference]


Nomination should be in accordance with provisions of Section 39 of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended from time to time. [A Leaflet containing the simplified version of the provisions of Section 39 is enclosed in Annexure - (2) for reference]

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