
HL7 [Health Level 7] - Organization and its Origin

Organization and its Origin

HL 7 is an international community of healthcare subject matter experts and information scientists that collaborate for evolution, creation, developing and implementing standards for the exchange, management and integration of electronic healthcare information. Standards are created within healthcare organizations to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare delivery for the benefit of fellow human beings without any discrimination. It is a global organization with country-specific affiliate organizations.

Headquaters of HL7 Inc are at Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA with existence in over 40 countries. It was established in 1987 for standardization of HIS (Hospital Information System). The first affliate organization was established in Germany in 1993. Its area of research and development lies in Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences domain comprising of Pharmacy, Medical devices, Imaging and Diagnostic Services, Medical Transcription Services, Medicolegal Transcription Services, Medical Coding, Medical Billing, Revenue Cycle Management, Patent registration or Healthcare Insurance (claims processing) transactions. HL7 has been accredited by ISO as a centre of gravity in international standardization and as a partnering organization for mutual issue of standards across the globe. The first mutually published standard is ISO/HL7 21731:2006 Health informatics -- HL7 version 3 -- Reference information model -- Release 1.
