
Psychoactive Substances

Psychoactive Substances

Psychoactive drugsaffect the central nervous system and act by altering a person's feelings, thoughts and behavior.

The reasons for the abusive usage of substances may vary from person to person. Some common features of these substances are:

  • All drugs of abuse act by altering feelings, thoughts, and behavior.
  • They act by directly affecting the brain or the central nervous system (CNS).
  • The common substances that tend to be abused are-
    • Alcohol.
    • Psychoactive Substances: Alcohol
    • Cannabinoids (Cannabis, Marihuana).
    • Stimulants (Cocaine, Amphetamine, Caffeine, Nicotine).
    • Psychoactive Substances: Cocaine
    • Depressants / Sedatives/ Hypnotics / Tranquillizers (Barbiturates, Benzodiazepine).
    • Narcotics (Heroin, Opium).
    • Hallucinogens / Acids (LSD, Phencyclidine).
    • Inhalants (Volatile solvents, Dissociative anesthetics).
    • Steroids (Anabolic).
  • Currently there are certain drugs, called Club drugs, that are designed in the labs and sold in the streets, and are the synthetic forms of the existing drugs, often referred to as 'RAVES' by the younger crowds. These include-
    • MDMA/Ecstasy.
    • Marihuana
    • Cocaine
    • PCP

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