Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's Disease - Glossary


Dopamine: A chemical that transmits messages in the brain and plays a role inmovement

Tremor: Involuntary trembling

Paralysis: Loss of control and all electric activity within a muscle

Hallucination: A perception of something (as a visual image or a sound) with noexternal cause usually arising from a disorder of the nervous system (as indelirium tremens or in functional psychosis without known neurological disease)or in response to drugs.

Delusions: A false, unshakable belief that cannot be corrected with reasoning, and it is not in the same social,educational, or cultural background of the patient.

Fatigue: Feeling weak

Depression: Mental state of low mood commonly associated with feelings of sadness,emptiness, despair or loss of interest in life or worldly matters.

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