
Mesothelioma - Glossary


Biomarkers: Physiological indicators.

Benign: Not cancerous; does not invade nearby tissue or spread to other parts of the body.

Chemotherapy: Treatment with anticancer drugs.

CT (Computed tomography) scan: An imaging technique that produces cross-sectional images of tissue structures through the body.

DNA: The abbreviation for "deoxyribonucleic acid," the primary carrier of genetic information found in the chromosomes of almost all organisms.

Lymph node: Round, oval or bean-shaped aggregation of infection- and cancer-fighting immune cells located along the lymph channels throughout the body.

Malignant: A cancerous growth that may destroy nearby normal tissue and spread to other parts of the body.

Mediastinoscopy: A procedure in which the doctor inserts a tube into the chest to view the organs in the mediastinum. The tube is inserted through an incision above the breastbone.

MRI scan (Magnetic resonance imaging): A sophisticated test that provides in-depth images of organs and structures in the body.

PET (Positron emission tomography scan).

A computerized image of the metabolic activity of the body tissues used to determine the presence of disease.

Pneumectomy: An operation to remove an entire lung

Pleurectomy: A surgical procedure that is done to remove part of the pleura, the linings that surround the lungs.

Resectable: One whichcan be surgically removed

SV40: Simian virus 40 which is a virus that causes cancers in monkeys and is used widely in genetic and medical research.

Thoracoscopy: The use of a thin, lighted tube (called an endoscope) to examine the inside of the chest.

Tumoricidal: Destroying tumor cells.
