Physical Examination

Immediately before the physical examination,

the patient should void as normally and completely as possible. The voided volume should be recorded. A post-void residual volume can then be determined within 10 minutes by catheterization or ultrasound examination. Post-void residual volumes consistently
measuring more than 100 mL are considered abnormal. The advantage of using a catheter to determine the post-void residual volume is that a reliably clean urine sample can be sent for culture and urinalysis.

The abdominal examination should rule out diastasis recti, masses, ascites and organo-megaly, which can influence intra-abdominal pressure and urinary tract function.
Pulmonary and cardiovascular assessment may be indicated to assess control of cough or the need for medications such as diuretics.

The lumbosacral nerve roots should be assessed by checking deep tendon reflexes, lower extremity strength, sharp/dull sensation and the bulbocavernosus and clitoral sacral reflexe. Abnormal findings such as deep tendon hyperreflexia or absence of the bulbocavernosus reflex should alert the physician to possible underlying neurologic lesions contributing to urinary incontinence.

The pelvic examination should include an evaluation for inflammation, infection and atrophy. Such conditions can increase afferent sensation and thereby cause urinary urgency, frequency, dysuria and overactive bladder. Because the urethra and trigone are estrogen-dependent tissues, estrogen deficiency can contribute to urinary incontinence and urinary dysfunction. The most common signs of inadequate estrogen levels are thinning and paleness of the vaginal epithelium, loss of rugae, disappearance of the labia minora and presence of a urethral caruncle.

A urethral diverticula is usually identified as a distal bulge under the urethra. Gentle massage of the area will frequently produce a purulent discharge from the urethral meatus.

Stress incontinence may be objectively demonstrated before initiating treatment. Testing for stress incontinence is performed by asking the patient to cough vigorously while the examiner watches for leakage of urine. Women who demonstrate urine leakage in the supine position with the bladder relatively empty (i.e., soon after determining post-void residual volume) are at increased risk of having a severe form of stress incontinence known as intrinsic sphincter deficiency, possibly making treatment by conservative measures difficult.

While performing the bimanual examination, levator ani muscle function can be evaluated by asking the patient to tighten her "vaginal muscles" and hold the contraction as long as possible. It is normal for a woman to be able to hold such a contraction for five to 10 seconds. Very weak or absent voluntary levator ani muscle contractions are an indication that biofeedback training sessions with a pelvic floor physical therapist may be necessary. The bimanual examination should also include a rectal examination to check anal sphincter tone and, for fecal impaction, the presence of occult blood or rectal lesions.

Finally, vaginal discharge can mimic urinary incontinence, especially in obese patients. In differentiating between vaginal discharge versus urinary incontinence, a phenazopyridine (Pyridium) test may be performed. A single oral dose of phenazopyridine will turn a patient’s urine bright orange. She can then be asked to wear a pad and perform provocative maneuvers that would normally result in "urine loss." True urine loss will stain the pad orange, while a vaginal discharge should not.


sexy12, Egypt

relax idea of exam i like that exam (Amanda)

JoeHeller, United States

It's super cereal. You should put your damn grandma in a wheelchair and take her to a doctor.

sulochana, India

My mother is 86. She passes urine on laughing, coughing etc. She canot move out because of incontinence. So I can't take her to a doctor.She is not diabetic. Can somebody please suggest a tested medicine for it. Thanks.

Lisa4588, United States

After my stroke is when it started for me. I'm sure that is just one of the results but can it be corrected without a pill?

esco198025, United States

Urinary Incontinence is a serious problem. I know, I had to deal with it with my mom/ This is a great article and will help many women