
Side effect(s) of Zotepine

Review the side-effects of Zotepine as documented in medical literature. The term "side effects" refers to unintended effects that can occur as a result of taking the medication. In majority of the instances these side-effects are mild and easily tolerable, however sometimes they can be more severe and can be detrimental.

If the side effects are not tolerable adjusting the dosage or switching to a different medication can help to manage or overcome side effects. If you have any doubts or questions, we recommend seeking advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

Diarrhea, dyspepsia, constipation, dry mouth

   Central Nervous System:
Anxiety, depression, agitation, headache, insomnia, fluctuations in body temperature, drowsiness, seizures and hyperprolactinemia

Increased heartbeat, decreased blood pressure, heart rhythm abnormalities

Blurred vision, angle-closure glaucoma (eye disease that results in optic nerve damage or vision loss induced by raised pressure in the eye)

Movement disorders like tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, increased liver function tests, weight gain, sweating, abnormal blood cell counts, weakness

Other Precautions :

• Elderly patients should monitor blood pressure before starting zotepine treatment and for the first few weeks of treatment.
• ECG, electrolytes levels, complete blood cell count and liver function tests have to be monitored at regular intervals.
• Rapid discontinuation of zotepine is not advised as it leads to rebound psychosis and hence the drug requires gradual decreasing of dose.

Drug Name : Zotepine

Zotepine generic Zotepine is an antipsychotic drug which is used to treat acute (sudden onset) and chronic (long-term) schizophrenia , a mental illness where the person’s ability to think and feel as well as behavior is affected. Although zotepine shows positive results in various clinical trials for the treatment of mania, it is primarily used to treat schizophrenia.

Trade Names for Zotepine

India :

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