
How to Take Rabies Vaccine and it's Dose

• It comes as a solution for injection to be administered by a healthcare provider.
• The injection should be administered in the arm in adults and the outer thigh in children, but not into the buttocks.

Dosage & When it is to be taken

Adult: IM- Pre-exposure vaccination: Primary course consists of 3 doses; 1 ml on days 0, 7 and 21 or 28. Booster dose: 1 ml based on antibody titers.
Post-exposure vaccination: Vaccinate as soon as possible after exposure and may be stopped if it is shown that the patient was not at risk.
Patients who did not receive proper primary immunization: 5 doses of 1 ml each on days 0, 3, 7, 14 and 28 (patients should also receive rabies 1g with the 1st dose); patients who have received primary immunization: 2 doses of 1 ml on days 0 and 3.

When it is not to be taken (Contraindications)

Contraindicated in patients with febrile illness (fever) and hypersensitivity.

Drug Name : Rabies Vaccine

This medication is an immunizing agent, used to prevent rabies.

Trade Names/Brand Names of Rabies Vaccine

International :
