
Amphotericin B/ Fungizone - Drug Toxicity

Latest prescription information about Amphotericin B/ Fungizone. Learn how to pronounce the drug's name, its indications, dosage, how to take, when to take, when not to take, side effects, special precautions, its storage instructions and warnings if any when taken during pregnancy. Also listed are the International and Indian trade name(s) of the drug and its price list. We recommend consulting your doctor to verify the information presented on this page or if you need any further clarifications.

Drug Name : Amphotericin B/ Fungizone

Indication :

Amphotericin B is a clinically useful but highly toxic antifungal agent. Monitor serum levels for potential toxicity and correlation with in vitro susceptibility testing.

Normal Values :

Therapeutic: 1.0-2.0 mg/mL (1.0-2.0 mmol/L)

Side effects :

Amphotericin B therapy frequently induces side effects like fever, chills, nausea, and reversible bone marrow suppression resulting in reduced blood cell counts. The principal adverse effect is nephrotoxicity (kidney toxicity) and manifestations include renal insufficiency, decreased levels of potassium and magnesium in the blood and excessive excretion of urine. The drug causes an acute deterioration in kidney function when creatinine levels exceed 3.0 mg/mL.