Shravanthi Vikram's Profile

M.Sc (Bio-Informatics)

Shravanthi Vikram

Shravanthi has completed her post graduate degree in Bio-Informatics at Stella Maris College, Chennai. She has been teaching Biology for school and college students for the past 6 years through online tutoring. She has also completed a course on medical lab technology. Her interests include cooking view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Hot Weather Aggravates COPD Symptoms

Hot Weather Aggravates COPD Symptoms

Hot weather worsens the symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). For every degree increase in temperature the symptoms of COPD worsened by 2%.

Respiratory Disease News
Mortality Rate High Among Transgender People

Mortality Rate High Among Transgender People

The mortality risk is high among transgender people compared to cis gender. Death was caused due to cardiovascular disease, HIV-related disease, lung cancer and suicide.

Lifestyle and Wellness News
Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Reduces Covid-19 Infection

Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Reduces Covid-19 Infection

Covid-19 infection and death can be reduced with the help of rheumatoid arthritis drug along with other medications. The drug calms down immune response and prevents organ failure.

Drug News
 Long Term Exposure to Air Pollutants Affects Human Health

Long Term Exposure to Air Pollutants Affects Human Health

Long-term exposure to air pollution increases mortality rate. The nitrogen dioxide and black carbon affect the health of the individual.

Environmental Health
Kidney Damage Due to COVID-19 Infection

Kidney Damage Due to COVID-19 Infection

Severe COVID-19 infection affects the normal functioning of the kidneys. Kidney damage is mainly seen among men who were above 60 years of age.

Coronavirus News