Shivangi Saxena's Profile

M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics)

Shivangi Saxena

Shivangi's academic credentials include, an M. Pharm from Invertis University, Bareilly, with a research project on self emulsifying drug delivery system for leprosy treatment. As a Medical Content Writer, Shivangi's passion and flair for writing has credited her with six published articles. Out of view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Pinworm Infection

Pinworm Infection

Pinworm infection is one of the most common human intestinal parasitic infections. It is spread via the fecal-oral route, and the main cause is poor hygiene.

Disease & Condition


Hypoxemia is defined as a condition where arterial oxygen tension is below 90 mmHg. It may lead to respiratory failure.

Disease & Condition
Top 15 Tips for Picky Eaters

Top 15 Tips for Picky Eaters

Children more likely have strong likes and dislikes of food and don’t accept new foods easily. Parents should pay extra attention and try these tips to feed fussy kids.

Diet Articles
Papillary Thyroid Cancer

Papillary Thyroid Cancer

Papillary thyroid cancer accounts for almost 80 % of all thyroid cancer cases. Surgery and radioiodine therapy are the mostly used treatment options.

Disease & Condition
Top 10 Homemade Fruit Packs for Glowing Skin

Top 10 Homemade Fruit Packs for Glowing Skin

Skin can wrinkle and shrivel with age. It also reveals the truth about your health. Homemade fruit packs are harmless and can do wonders to your skin.

Beauty Tips