Shivangi Saxena's Profile

M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics)

Shivangi Saxena

Shivangi's academic credentials include, an M. Pharm from Invertis University, Bareilly, with a research project on self emulsifying drug delivery system for leprosy treatment. As a Medical Content Writer, Shivangi's passion and flair for writing has credited her with six published articles. Out of view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Top 8 Health Benefits of Cypress Oil

Top 8 Health Benefits of Cypress Oil

Cypress oil is a natural remedy for many diseases and conditions due to its therapeutic properties. It can also help calm and relax the mind and body.

Diet Articles
Evidence Based Medicine

Evidence Based Medicine

Evidence Based Medicine combines research evidence with patient values and clinical skills to solve medical problems and improve patient outcome.

Disease & Condition


Pterygium or Surfer's eye is described as a proliferative disorder of the ocular surface possibly due to the long-term exposure to UV rays.

Disease & Condition


Exotropia or outward eye deviation is a form of squint. Proper evaluation and timely intervention is necessary to prevent permanent forms of visual dysfunction.

Disease & Condition


Enterocolitis is referred to as inflammation of the small intestine as well as the colon. It affects both adults and children but infants are most commonly affected.

Disease & Condition