Rakhee Maloo's Profile


Rakhee is a freelance writer. She enjoys reading, learning and exploring the unknown and is extremely passionate about animal welfare. She has contributed articles related to lifestyle for Medindia.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Home Remedies for Bedwetting

Home Remedies for Bedwetting

Do you wake up embarrassed to find that you have wet your bed? Don’t be embarrassed as there is a solution for bedwetting. Learn natural home remedies for bedwetting, its treatment, and causes.

Home Remedies
Good vs Bad Carbohydrates - Slide Show

Good vs Bad Carbohydrates - Slide Show

Carbohydrates form an integral component of a healthy diet but there is a lot of discussion about which carbohydrates to consume. The answer to making the right carbohydrate choice is both simple and complex.

Slide Show
Fat-burning Diet

Fat-burning Diet

Did you know that certain foods boost your metabolism and helps to burn the excess fat in your body? Incorporate these super foods in your daily diet and see the change.

Diet Articles
Top Ten Budget-Friendly Foods

Top Ten Budget-Friendly Foods

Cut down on cost and include healthy foods in your daily diet. Cooking creatively helps you eat healthy and also within your budget.

Diet Articles
Fat-Burning Foods for Men

Fat-Burning Foods for Men

What are the best fat-burning foods? Some vegetables like spinach, mushrooms; certain nuts, legumes and lentils help burn fat.

Diet Articles