Mita Majumdar's Profile


Mita has written and edited articles on lifestyle, wellness, diet and nutrition, as well as complementary and alternative medicine for Medindia.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Benefits of Laughter-Slideshow

Benefits of Laughter-Slideshow

We are born with the gift of laughter-it's being serious that we learn.So,learn to laugh, and live, all over again.

Slide Show
Health Insurance - Slideshow

Health Insurance - Slideshow

This slideshow explains the concepts about healthcare insurance industry in India.

Slide Show
Dealing with Menopause-Slideshow

Dealing with Menopause-Slideshow

Menopause is an importantant stage in woman's life.Know more about it's physiology,signs,symptoms,causes and management of menopause.

Slide Show