Mita Majumdar's Profile


Mita has written and edited articles on lifestyle, wellness, diet and nutrition, as well as complementary and alternative medicine for Medindia.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Foods to Avoid in Gout

Foods to Avoid in Gout

Sugar sweetened soft drinks and fructose is strongly associated with an increased risk of gout. Moderate drinking of wine does not increase the risk of gout.

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Foods that Improve Anemia

Foods that Improve Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia can be easily prevented and improved by including foods such as eggs, meat, shell fish, green leafy vegetables, and even peanut butter in our daily diet.

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Foods that Can Save Your Heart

Foods that Can Save Your Heart

Do you enjoy a glass of wine with your meal? If so it’s good news for your heart!

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Anti-ageing Foods

Anti-ageing Foods

The answer to lasting youth lies in the food that we consume in our daily diet. Let's take a look at some of the foods that slows ageing.

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Ten Super Foods to Boost your Brain Power

Ten Super Foods to Boost your Brain Power

Enhance your brain health by adding super foods to your daily diet. Here are 10 of them.

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