Mita Majumdar's Profile


Mita has written and edited articles on lifestyle, wellness, diet and nutrition, as well as complementary and alternative medicine for Medindia.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Top Foods for Strong Bones

Top Foods for Strong Bones

Bones are made up of living cells. We need to take the right kind of nutrients and food items to make sure that our bones remain stronger. Here is the list of food items for strong bones

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Top Ten Foods for Healthy Hair

Top Ten Foods for Healthy Hair

The top ten healthy foods for your hair can help to stop wasting your fortunes in expensive salons and get satisfactory results in a healthy way.

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Vegetables and Fruits for Healthy Diet - Slideshow

Vegetables and Fruits for Healthy Diet - Slideshow

Include vegetables and fruits as part of your diet and improve your overall health

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Diet for Obstructive Lung Disease- Slideshow

Diet for Obstructive Lung Disease- Slideshow

The right balance of energy boosting foods and protein foods along with adequate vitamin and mineral intake is the right diet for COPD.

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Bioterrorism - Slideshow

Bioterrorism - Slideshow

Bioterrorism is a deadly warfare weapon that involves intentional release of harmful biological agents like virus, bacteria and toxins causing epidemics among living organisms thereby affecting normal human life.

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