Melita Fernandes's Profile

M.Pharm (Quality Assurance)

Melita Fernandes

Melita has over 9 years of experience in medical/health writing (print as well as digital content). She is a health enthusiast herself, and loves to read and write about healthy lifestyle. She has contributed content for several health portals and also managed social media accounts for various view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Back Sprain

Back Sprain

Back sprain indicates a painful condition caused due to excessive stretching of a muscle or ligament of the back. It results in severe pain and may restrict normal body movements.

Disease & Condition
Spinal Fracture

Spinal Fracture

Spinal fracture or spinal compression fracture indicates an injury to the spinal column. Along with the vertebrae, spinal fractures can also damage the nerves, spinal cord or ligaments in the spine.

Disease & Condition
Fruit Waxing

Fruit Waxing

Fruit waxing is a process of coating fruits with an artificial or edible wax to improve their shelf life and texture. Find out how safe are the wax-coated fruits for your health.

Diet Articles
Top 7 Most Essential Anti-Aging Ingredients That Work

Top 7 Most Essential Anti-Aging Ingredients That Work

Anti-aging ingredients can prevent signs of aging such as wrinkles, dryness, and sagging of skin. Read about the best anti-aging ingredients that really work.

Lifestyle Articles
Health Benefits of Unripe Green Papaya

Health Benefits of Unripe Green Papaya

Unripe green papaya fruit is a rich source of important nutrients including vitamins, proteins, & enzymes. Read what makes it a true therapeutic fruit!

Diet Articles