Maulishree Jhawer's Profile


Maulishree Jhawer

Maulishree possesses substantial experience in the field of Diet and Nutrition. She has undergone training on the "Kaya life philosophy of diet planning". She has worked with Tarla Dalal and has contributed health articles in her magazine "Cooking and more" and has also done recipe research and view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Malnutrition to Obesity - The Big Leap

Malnutrition to Obesity - The Big Leap

Obesity is the root cause of problems like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and gall bladder disease. A serious look at our strategies is needed to tackle this fast growing epidemic.

Lifestyle Articles
Fiber Up Your Meals

Fiber Up Your Meals

A high fiber diet and good water intake are essential for a stress free body. High-fiber foods prevent overeating and is also the key to maintaining a healthy weight.

Lifestyle Articles
Syndrome X

Syndrome X

"Syndrome X" or "Metabolic syndrome" is a group of conditions that puts a person at risk for diabetes and heart disease. With Syndrome X, the risk of developing heart disease jumps twentyfold.

Lifestyle Articles
Diabetes Diet Plan

Diabetes Diet Plan

Diet plays a significant role in controlling diabetes. Most cases of diabetes are preventable with healthy lifestyle changes.

Diet Articles
Effects of Indian Gooseberry on Health and Disease

Effects of Indian Gooseberry on Health and Disease

Indian gooseberry has health benefits which come primarily from its rich array of antioxidants like tannins and pectins, rather than the much talked vitamin C.

Diet Articles