Karishma Abhishek's Profile

Physician Assistant (Neurology), M.Sc. Neuroscience

Karishma Abhishek

Karishma has completed her Masters in Neurosciences. Her research areas of interest are Neurodegenerative diseases, Cognitive and Molecular aspects of Neurology. Karishma is passionate about exploring the odd mysteries of the brain and fetching advancements in the field of Neurosciences. She enjoys view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Parallels Between Male and Female Menopause

Parallels Between Male and Female Menopause

Male menopause, often overlooked, encompasses such symptoms, akin to the well-known female menopause due to declining ovarian reserve.

Menīs Health News
Truth Behind Wearable Device Accuracy

Truth Behind Wearable Device Accuracy

Today's wearable devices provide highly inaccurate energy expenditure calculations due to the absence of necessary sensors.

News on IT in Healthcare
Halting Aging: Exercise's Promising Impact!

Halting Aging: Exercise's Promising Impact!

Exercise can halt the accumulation of lipids, potentially reversing the aging process, reveals a new study.

Research News
GOQii's Revelations on India's Health

GOQii's Revelations on India's Health

GOQii's India Fit Report 2024, reveals that 45% of India's population is dangerously close to being labeled as unhealthy.

Research News
Redefining Safety Standards for Seafood Consumption

Redefining Safety Standards for Seafood Consumption

Research spearheaded by Dartmouth emphasizes the necessity of implementing safety benchmarks for chemicals in seafood.

Diet & Nutrition News