Julia Samuel's Profile


Julia Samuel

Julia has worked as a part-time lecturer in Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about educating people, esp students about healthy eating, fitness and well-being.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed



MIND diet is a healthy meal plan which is designed to lower the risk of Alzheimer''s disease, improve cognition and to sharpen memory.

Diet Articles
Dangerous Food Additives

Dangerous Food Additives

Find out how food additives for almost every food that you consume come with danger signals and make way into your food and impact your health.

Diet Articles
Food Combinations that Affect Your Well-Being

Food Combinations that Affect Your Well-Being

Combining the foods to give you the optimum nutritional value is the key to healthy eating.

Diet Articles
Eat Your Way to Good Health with Quail Eggs

Eat Your Way to Good Health with Quail Eggs

Quail eggs, superior to chicken eggs, can be a paragon of health & well-being. They are recommended for pregnant women during pregnancy and post natal period.

Diet Articles
Overeating Equals To Overcheating

Overeating Equals To Overcheating

Stuffing your tummy with unwanted extra calories can have a negative impact on the body. Overeating means frequent intake of food even when not hungry.

Diet Articles