Himabindu Venkatakrishnan's Profile


Himabindu Venkatakrishnan

Her expertise is in the area of speech and hearing and she also holds a certificate in Medical Transcription. She is an activist against 'heavy school bags' that can cause damage to the "backs" of young kids in India.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Drug Delivery Systems - Use in Diabetes Management

Drug Delivery Systems - Use in Diabetes Management

Different types of drug delivery systems for insulin delivery have been extensively researched recently. Oral route and transdermal drug delivery systems are among the advanced drug delivery systems.

Disease & Condition
How Does The Body React To Stress

How Does The Body React To Stress

Physical symptoms of stress on the body are varied, ranging from hormonal changes to changes in the nervous system, manifesting as the flight-fight-freeze response.

Lifestyle Articles
Switching Baby from Bottle to Cup

Switching Baby from Bottle to Cup

Find tips on how to switch toddler from bottles and sippy cups to adult cups and say bye-bye to bottle feeding.

Lifestyle Articles
Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy is an exercise based program to ease symptoms related to vestibular disorders.

Disease & Condition
BK Virus Infection

BK Virus Infection

BK virus infection remains asymptomatic for a long time. But BK virus infection after kidney transplant can harm the patient due to reduction in immunity with potent immunosuppressive agents.

Disease & Condition