Himabindu Venkatakrishnan's Profile


Himabindu Venkatakrishnan

Her expertise is in the area of speech and hearing and she also holds a certificate in Medical Transcription. She is an activist against 'heavy school bags' that can cause damage to the "backs" of young kids in India.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Transvaginal Ultrasound

Transvaginal Ultrasound

Transvaginal ultrasound/sonogram is used to examine uterus, ovaries, cervix and pelvic organs. Sonography images of transvaginal ultrasound procedure are clearer than abdominal ultrasound.

Disease & Condition
Fifteen Most Common Chemotherapy Side Effects and Ways to Manage Them

Fifteen Most Common Chemotherapy Side Effects and Ways to Manage Them

Chemotherapy side effects depend on the chemotherapy treatment as there are varied types of chemotherapy medications. Traditional chemotherapy drugs kill growing cancer cells.

Disease & Condition
Impedance / Immittance Audiometry

Impedance / Immittance Audiometry

Impedance audiometry, or tympanometry, includes the measurement of air pressure in auditory canal and middle ear and identify lesions in auditory neural pathway.



Otosclerosis is an abnormal remodeling of bone near the middle ear that can cause hearing impairment. Otosclerosis usually affects the stapes bone, which rests its footplate exactly on the oval shaped membrane that covers the inner ear.

Disease & Condition
World Population Day 2016: “Investing in Teenage Girls”

World Population Day 2016: “Investing in Teenage Girls”

World Population Day 2016, aimed at “Investing in Teenage Girls”, works to educate about pregnancy health and nutrition and end malpractices like child marriage.

Health Watch