Hannah Joy's Profile


Hannah Joy

Hannah hails from Hyderabad and has received Master of Philosophy Degree in Food Service Management and Dietetics from Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about teaching, mentoring and counseling. Hannah likes to travel, explore and is adventurous. She aspires to pursue her Ph.D view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Surprising 8 Health Benefits of Green Smoothies

Surprising 8 Health Benefits of Green Smoothies

Green smoothies packed with health-promoting nutrients, antioxidants and phytochemicals are the best companions for a wholesome breakfast. Therefore, adding dark green leafy vegetables, fruits and vegetables to your smoothie can offer surprising benefits to your health.

Diet Articles
Check Your Hearing – World Hearing Day

Check Your Hearing – World Hearing Day

World Hearing Day is observed on the 3rd of March every year. The World Health Organization (WHO) draws attention to the importance of early identification and intervention for hearing loss.

Health Watch
Heart Attack Symptoms Should Not Be Ignored While Traveling

Heart Attack Symptoms Should Not Be Ignored While Traveling

Heart attacks during travel are a major cause of natural death. Long term prognosis in patients who suffer a heart attack while traveling can be good if they seek prompt medical attention.

Health In Focus
Nicotine can be Harmful to Human Embryos at the Single-Cell Level

Nicotine can be Harmful to Human Embryos at the Single-Cell Level

Nicotine could harm human embryos at the single-cell level, as revealed by a new single-cell RNA sequencing technology. This technology could be used to screen drugs and toxins to prevent fetal damage.

Health In Focus
Early Use of Antibiotics in Elderly UTI Patients Reduces Risk of Sepsis

Early Use of Antibiotics in Elderly UTI Patients Reduces Risk of Sepsis

Antibiotics used early in elderly patients with urinary tract infection (UTI) reduce the risk of sepsis and death. Therefore, antibiotics should be prescribed immediately in elderly UTI patients.

Health In Focus